Welcome to the homepage of the Sanchez Research Group at Vanderbilt University.
Our group engages in research involving the study of interfacial interactions (chemical and mechanical) and mass transfer processes in porous media coupled with chemical reactions as applied to advanced cement-based composites and environmental systems. |
Cement Composites |
Environmental Systems |
Nano-Engineering, Durability, and Performance of Nano-Structured, Cement-Based Composites |
Environmental Performance of Wastes and
Secondary Materials in Engineered Systems |
"Cast in concrete"
Nanotechnology and the Concrete World: Small Science for a Big Future
University Fall Assembly 2008 |
Positions Available
First International Conference on Nanotechnology in Cement and Concrete,
May 5-7, 2010, Irvine, California |
ACI Fall 2009 Convention,
Nov. 8-12, 2009, New Orleans, La - Nanotechnology of Concrete: The Next Big Thing is Small |
MS&T09 - Materials Science and Technology 2009, Preliminary Program
Oct. 25-29, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA - Materials Solutions for the Nuclear Renaissance |